46: Michael Kummer’s Travel Secrets [16 Items That Simplify My Trips]
I don’t travel as much as I used to, back when I had a corporate sales job that took me away from home on a regular basis. But Kathy and I still have family in Austria and Costa Rica, who we try to visit at least once a year, and we’ve been...
I don’t travel as much as I used to, back when I had a corporate sales job that took me away from home on a regular basis. But Kathy and I still have family in Austria and Costa Rica, who we try to visit at least once a year, and we’ve been increasingly traveling around the country to talk to people about MK Supplements at healthy living conferences and expos like Hack Your Health (formerly known as KetoCon).
Staying healthy on the road can be a significant challenge, but there are a few essential items (16, to be exact) that I make sure to always pack in my travel bag — from health gadgets like the Hypoair Air Angel (which purifies indoor air using bi-polar ionization technology) to safety tools like a trauma kit and a glass-breaking pen.
Each item is handpicked to ensure I can maintain my lifestyle and be prepared for any situation, no matter where I am in the world. They not only simplify my trips but also enhance my overall travel experience
Whether you travel for business or pleasure, this episode offers practical tips and product recommendations that can make your next journey smoother and more enjoyable!
In this episode:
02:13 - Item 1: Hypoair Air Angel
03:27 - Item 2: Battery Pack for iPhone
03:46 - Item 3: Beef Sticks
04:07 - Item 4: Exogenous Ketones
04:55 - Item 5: Book or Magazines
05:23 - Item 6: Emergency Cash and an Extra Credit Card
07:15 - Item 7: Electrolytes
07:46 - Item 8: Everyday Carry Flashlight
07:55 - Item 9: Pen That Doubles as a Glass Breaker
08:46 - Item 10: Organic Instant Coffee
09:29 - Item 11: Stainless Steel Coffee Mug
10:38 - Item 12: Salt
11:17 - Item 13: Sleep Mask
12:00 - Item 14: Sleep Remedy Supplement
13:01 - Item 15: Stainless Steel Water Bottle
14:04 - Item 16: Trauma Kit
14:47 - Final Thoughts
Remember to like, subscribe, and share this episode with anyone who could benefit from it. And as always, thank you for tuning in to the Primal Shift Podcast!
Links from the episode:
The HypoAir Angel is an air purifier and includes full polar ionization and AHPCO, allowing it to cover larger areas of up to 300 square feet. It’s ideal for when you’re traveling (e.g., sleeping in hotel rooms or spending hours at a time in your car).
Try LMNT, one of my favorite electrolyte supplements.
Learn more about the best exogenous ketone supplements based on science.
My favorite organic instant coffee is Bulletproof.
Experience the all-natural, life-changing benefits of deep, regenerative sleep with Sleep Remedy by Dr Kirk Parsley.
Thank you to this episode’s sponsor, MK Supplements!
Use code “primalshift” to save 15% on your MK Supplements order at https://shop.michaelkummer.com
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46: Michael Kummer’s Travel Secrets [16 Items That Simplify My Trips]
Then very often when I travel I fast, so I leveraged ketones to provide me with mental energy. I decided to carry the Air Angel after a very bad experience at an Airbnb. Number eight and nine is more related to my everyday carry setup. So that's not only when I travel, but also at home, but you can also use it as a weapon and it just looks like a regular pen.
And so far I've no, had no issues going through airport security with that pen and improve the quality of your sleep. Especially I bring those when I travel across time zones, like the other day, I went to California that almost every hotel has at least one or two rooms for guests. with sensitivities.
I'd like to hear, you know, if you want to shoot me an email or depending on where you see this, if you see it on YouTube, you know, leave me a comment and let me know, what do you carry? Listening to the primal shift podcast, I'm your host, Michael Kummer, and my goal is to help you achieve optimal health by bridging the gap between ancestral living and the demands of modern society.
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Here are 16 items that I carry when I travel to make my life more convenient, but also to be able to sustain the lifestyle that I have without significantly disrupting it. And the items on this list are in no particular order, they are just as they popped into my head, mixed with some alphabetical ordering that I just established when I wrote down the list.
Number 1. That's something you might've not expected. It's the Hypoair Air Angel. It's a bipolar ionization technology or device that can remove and deactivate airborne pathogens, but also pathogens on surfaces. And I've written about bipolar ionization on my blog, so you can check out more about the technology behind it, but I decided to carry the Air Angel after a very bad experience at an Airbnb.
where they had lit, I don't know how many scented candles, the entire home was filled with VOCs and nasty stuff that I absolutely did not want to inhale, but there was only so much I could do about it after unplugging and airing the whole house. There was still that smell in there and all of those VOCs that I had to endure.
So I started carrying the air range. It's a very small device that I can put into my carry on. And it releases charged particles that can, as I said, deactivate pathogens, bacteria, viruses in the air, on surfaces, on contact basically, but also remove many of the VOCs and, you know, basically purify the air at the end of the day.
Number two is a battery pack for my iPhone, because, you know, if I, depending on why I'm traveling, usually it's somewhat work related, but even if it's There's always a kind of work component, you know, recording footage for social media, etc. So I typically run out of battery and that's why I carry a battery pack.
Number three is beef sticks or some sort of beef based protein. Ideally, a combination of protein and fat. So, you know, fatty beef sticks or something that can sustain me in the absence. of other food choices. And very often when I travel, I don't have access to the type of food that I want. And so I carry beef sticks.
The other thing very closely related to is, is exogenous ketones, which is a form of energy. If you don't know what exogenous ketones are or why you might want to supplement with them, you know, check out my other previous podcast episode. I also have a blog post on the best ketone supplements, but the bottom line is they are a form of energy.
That makes my brain work better and faster. And so, especially when I don't eat and very often when I travel, I fast, you know, on both ways that makes it so much easier. I don't have to worry about food when I get there on the way home. You know, especially if I have an early morning flight, I don't have to worry about breakfast.
So I leverage ketones to provide me with. Mental energy with the energy my brain needs to work incredibly well without me having to worry about food But if I eat food if I carry food and it's in a beef based protein like beef sticks, for example number four I also always carry a book or magazines either I know I pick up a magazine at the newsstand at the airport or I bring one with me because very often I have to Wait, you know for whatever for a flight Before checking into a hotel, you know, et cetera, et cetera.
And it's instead of being on my phone, I read, you know, it's, I don't have a whole lot of time of reading anyway. I wish I had much more time. To pick up, you know, a book or a magazine. And when I travel, I always use it opportunity to catch up. Number five is cash and an extra credit card. And that might sound like, well, you know, if you have a wallet, you know, why worry about extra cash and an extra credit card?
Well, you know, here's the thing. There was one occasion where I left home to travel by plane to a business meeting, stay there overnight. And come back and I didn't have my wallet or ID with me, but I mean, the story gets better. I mean, this is just, you know, the, the overarching theme, but I have clear. So I didn't need to show my ID at the airport.
I checked in with, with my phone before already at the hotel. And I had a contactless key or my phone was the key for the room. So I didn't have to go to the reception, show my ID. So I started my entire trip without ever having to pull out my ID and realize that I didn't bring my wallet. On the way back then at the airport I had two hours to spare before my flight and I decided I'm gonna grab lunch.
And I had some oysters and shrimp, you know, so I decided I'm gonna do it at, you know, a seafood day. And I had a, you know, a very good meal. And then when it was time to pay, I realized it didn't have my wallet. And I'm like, you know, do you guys do Apple Pay? Nope, of course not. Then I asked him if I can, you know, sell them or Venmo them the money.
They didn't do that either. So they had to call the police, you know, and fortunately, you know, at some point then they agreed to take my credit card information over the phone. So the, the owner of the restaurant, you know, was on the phone with me. I could give him a credit card information that I had fortunately in my one password in my password wallet vault on the phone and I could pay for the meal.
But I almost ended up. in jail because not being able to pay just because I didn't have any cash or any extra credit card. So that's why I always have in my backpack in a separate compartment cash, a couple of hundred dollars just in case, and an extra credit card to, you know, so I can pay in case I need to.
Number six is electrolytes. And I like, you know, elements that taste very good. They're not super inexpensive, but they work really well. They're, they're clean. They're, they taste good. And I always bring electrolytes with me, especially. For the days when I fast, so if I don't eat, you know, I feel like I need some extra electrolytes to perform optimally and it's also a nice, you know, being able to have a flavored beverage that is not a soda.
And that's why I always have like, you know, a couple of small pouches there of electrolytes that I can pour into water. and be good to go. Number eight and nine is more related to my everyday carry setup. So that's not only when I travel, but also at home, I always bring a flashlight, you know, a pocket flashlight, and then either a pen that doubles as a glass breaker or potentially also as a weapon, if need be, or a pocket knife.
And the pocket knife at home is mostly for, you know, cutting open packages, you know, and stuff like that. In working, you know, with the animals, you always need a knife handy to, you know, open feed bags, etc. But also in a worst case scenario, you know, you could use it as a self defense item. But when I travel by plane in particular, or when I travel to certain jurisdictions where, you know, knives might be an issue, especially going through airport security is the classic example, you know, you cannot bring a knife.
And, and so I have the pen that's made out of aluminum and it has a glass breaker on like a very sharp edge. Point on one side so I can break glass if I have to, but you can also use it as a weapon and it just looks like a regular pen. And so far I've no, had no issues going through airport security with that pen.
The number 10 is organic instant coffee or those bulletproof. They have it in like those, you know, pots, I think they call them. So that when I'm on an airplane in an early morning flight, for example, you know, and I want to enjoy a cup of coffee, I don't have to get the sake coffee aboard the plane in a paper cup that has plastic lining on the inside, you know, with a lot of microplastics.
No, I can actually just ask them, Hey, can I use my stainless steel mug? That's actually. Another item on my, on number 15th on my list, um, a stainless steel coffee mug that I can hand them and say, Hey, can you please fill it with hot water? And then I pour in my organic instant coffee and can have, and I can have a cup of coffee without being exposed to all of the toxins.
That's three different ones. when you travel and you know you avoid the paper cup so I always bring my own coffee mug for that reason as well. The bulletproof pots I bring because in many hotel rooms they have those coffee makers that use pots and so I don't have to use the pots that the hotel provides which are you know non organic and potentially full of toxins.
I found the other day at Sprouts, actually while traveling, those Bulletproof Pots. We used to buy Bulletproof Coffee. It's very good coffee. It's clean. It's tested for toxins. And so I can use their pots. And they are, they don't take up a lot of space. I might only bring, you know, three or four, depending on how, how many days I travel.
I don't drink more than a cup, or maybe two a day of coffee. And so I bring those and I can enjoy my coffee without exposing myself to stuff that I don't really want to. The same goes with organic tea pots. And if you want to have something hot in the afternoon, especially during the colder. months of the year.
I don't drink coffee in the afternoon because it impacts my sleep. I drink tea. And so I bring, you know, organic little, you know, tea bags that are plastic free. And again, I just have to ask for hot water and I can have my own tea in my stainless steel mug. Number 12 is salt. We usually buy either a Redmond real salt or Orinx.
I think it's the other one. It's a Kalahari or salt from the Kalahari desert. And so we clean. Salt free of microplastics, I bring that everywhere we go, even to restaurants when we don't travel, but just go out and eat, which doesn't happen very often, but if it does, we bring our own salt. Especially when we travel, you know, I wanna make sure I have access to good quality salt in particularly if I don't bring electrolytes or if I don't wanna, you know, open a pouch of elements.
I just, you know, use salt, you know, either, you know, pour it in my hand, uh, lick my hand, assuming I've washed it before, or just use it, you know, when I have breakfast or. Or me, number 13 is a sleep mask. You know, I used to tape off lights in the room or unplug devices. And I'm like, you know, instead of doing this and you know, then typically when I leave, I want to make sure I leave the room in the same condition I found it.
So I plug everything back in. And I'm like, instead of going through that hassle, I'm just going to wear a sleep mask and it's blackout. I don't have to worry about if they have blackout curtains, if there are status, you know, lights of electronic devices or what have you. Of the, you know, smoke alarm, what have you.
And so wearing a sleep mask, no brainer, super easy. Uh, we have the one from, or I, I like the one from Hostage tape that, you know, mouse tape that I also use. And they also have a sleep mask. And I find that to be very comfortable and that's the one I carry with me and I also use that at home. Number 14 is sleep Remedy from.
Doc Parsley. And it's a sleep supplement, uh, that is also very clean and has micro doses of melatonin and GABA and some vitamins and magnesium, basically stuff that can help you fall asleep quicker and improve the quality of your sleep. Especially I bring those when I travel across time zones, like the other day, I went to California and I did my best to stay on Eastern time because I was only there on the ground literally for just over a day, so I arrived on a I had meetings on Tuesday and I left Wednesday morning and I just tried as best as I could to stay on Eastern time zone, but very often that's, that doesn't happen, you know, depending on, you know, your schedule or if you stay longer, so it makes sense to adjust to the local time zone.
If that's the case, I use sleep remedy. to, you know, fall asleep at a time when I would normally not be tired, you know, or the other way around. So really, really cool supplement. Um, I already mentioned my stainless steel mug. I also bring a stainless steel water bottle that I can fill up at the airport.
You know, they have the, typically they have those, you know, refill stations where they, they allow you to fill up your bottle with filtered water. So if that's available and it is available at most airports, at least here in the United States, you know, I don't bother bringing, you know, Bottle with a built in filter.
We used to do this. We still use them for certain occasions, but the downside of having a bottle that has a filter built in, where you're basically, it's an inline filter. We have to, you know, suck the water out to filter it through the filter before it gets into your mouth. The downside of that is you cannot use it with, with electrolytes, for example, because it would filter everything out.
Right. And so I started traveling with just a regular stainless steel. It's a Yeti, um, bottle that I can refill at the airport. And then whenever I, whenever I book a hotel or an Airbnb, I try to make sure it's close to in walking distance, ideally to a Sprouts or to a Whole Foods market, and in both places you can find bottled water that's in glass.
And then number 16th on my list. And that's also something that you might not have thought about, but that's really part of my everyday carry. is a trauma kit, you know, including a tourniquet and a quick clot compression type of bandage that allows me in a worst case scenario, because I never know what's going to happen.
I might injure yourself. You might be in a car accident or, you know, I don't know, plane crash and you survived, you know, luckily in your bleeding or someone else's bleeding, you know, and you need to stop the bleeding. So that's why I always carry a trauma kit with me. In addition to some of the other, you know, basic first aid, like band aids and stuff, in case you get a blister or what have you.
But a trauma kit is something, a tourniquet and quick cloth is something that I carry everywhere. You know, it doesn't take up a lot of space. The other thing that I do when I travel and use a hotel or stay in a hotel or an Airbnb, I always let them know, you know, my preference. Whenever you book, there is typically a, a, a space, a text field where you can put in certain, you know, special requests or preferences, and I always let them know that I would like to have a down pillow just because I prefer down pillows over, you know, the synthetic filling.
And the second one is. that I tell them that I have sensitivities to fragrances and I would like to have a fragrance free room. I learned in a discussion actually with one of the guys from Hypewear that almost every hotel has at least one or two rooms for guests with sensitivities. And even though, you know, I don't have a sen you know, sensitivity where, you know, if I am exposed to certain smells or whatever, you know, like, I break out or stop breathing, but I don't want to expose myself to VOCs and to all of that crap that's in, you know, cleaners and, and whatever else they use in hotels, you know, and so, and air fresheners and whatnot.
So I always tell them I have, I have sensitivities to, to smells and to fragrances and I ask for a fragrance free product. So I get the pillow that I want. I get hopefully, uh, reduced exposure to VOCs and then I stay close to a Sprouts or a Whole Foods or, you know, whatever local grocery store that might be.
that carries maybe some of the foods that I have. Like in California, when I went and there was a sprouts close by, you know, I picked up some raw milk kefir that I had for breakfast, uh, organic bananas, you know, and then some beefsteaks and water. And I was good to go. So with that, we got to wrap it up.
I'd like to hear, you know, if you want to shoot me an email or depending on where you see this, if you see it on YouTube, you know, leave me a comment and let me know what do you carry? Is it, was there something in that list that you're like, You know what? I should be carrying this as well. So let me know by either email, comment, or social media comment, and I'll hope I see and hear you in the next episode.