65: Why Testosterone Affects Your Drive to Do Hard Things
Have you ever noticed how on some days, powering through a tough workout or jumping into the freezing water of a cold plunge feels almost effortless, while on others, it’s as if your ability to push through discomfort has vanished? It’s not always...
Have you ever noticed how on some days, powering through a tough workout or jumping into the freezing water of a cold plunge feels almost effortless, while on others, it’s as if your ability to push through discomfort has vanished? It’s not always just a matter of motivation or willpower. Low testosterone can directly impact both your physical and mental performance, making it more difficult to stay focused and deal with hormetic stressors like extreme temperatures and intense activity.
Despite my relatively healthy lifestyle, my testosterone levels have always been less than optimal. In other words, my levels are consistently on the lower end of normal, which means there are times when I struggle to maintain the drive to push myself in the gym, or when I suffer from mental fatigue that makes it harder to see tough projects through to completion.
So in this episode of the Primal Shift Podcast, I share my personal journey of battling fluctuating testosterone levels and explain what I’ve learned over the years about how to increase testosterone naturally, why it’s so important for your overall health, and how to recognize the low testosterone symptoms that could be holding you back.
The good news is that making the right lifestyle changes, getting proper nutrition, and using the right supplements can help support your hormone production. Unfortunately, testosterone production is a multi-level biological process, so these interventions don’t work for everyone. Still, they’re worth trying before turning to more serious options like hormone replacement therapy.
If you’ve been struggling to maintain the energy and focus you once had, or if you’re finding it harder to push through discomfort, it might be time to take a closer look at your testosterone levels. Understanding the role testosterone plays in both your mental and physical resilience is key to unlocking better performance and well-being. Tune in to this episode to learn how to recognize the signs of low T, as well as what you can do today to start addressing the problem.
In this episode:
00:00 - Intro
01:15 - Struggling with hard things? It could be testosterone
02:25 - My experiments with testosterone levels
03:07 - Research on testosterone and its impact on motivation
03:53 - How low testosterone affects endurance and pain perception
04:49 - Testosterone levels: Why the range matters
05:43 - Advice for men struggling to push themselves
06:35 - Teaser for next episode:: Bates on relationships and health
Learn more:
Primal Shift Podcast #32: Testosterone Replacement Therapy | The one downside nobody talks about: https://www.primalshiftpodcast.com/32-testosterone-replacement-therapy-the-one-downside-nobody-talks-about/
How Xenoestrogens Make You Infertile and Sick: https://michaelkummer.com/xenoestrogens/
Ice Barrel 500 vs. 400: In-Depth Review 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_TsS7eknmE&t=36s
Thank you to this episode’s sponsor, OneSkin!
OneSkin’s lineup of topical skin health products leverage the power of the company’s proprietary OS-01 peptide to remove dead skin cells, improve collagen production, increase skin hydration and more. Check out my before and after photos in my OneSkin review and visit OneSkin here.
Get 15% off with my discount code MKUMMER: https://michaelkummer.com/go/oneskinshop
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[Medical Disclaimer]
The information shared on this video is for educational purposes only, is not a substitute for the advice of medical doctors or registered dietitians (which I am not) and should not be used to prevent, diagnose, or treat any condition. Consult with a physician before starting a fitness regimen, adding supplements to your diet, or making other changes that may affect your medications, treatment plan, or overall health.
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#PrimalShift #OptimalHealth #AncestralLiving #Biohacking #LowTestosterone
Are you ready to revolutionize your health and reconnect to your primal self? Welcome to the Primal Shift Podcast.
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Michael Kummer: Are you struggling with doing difficult and challenging things like getting into a cold plunge or changing your diet or going to bed earlier or not using your phone as much in the evening?
If that's the case, then you're either a lazy bastard or, or you might have low testosterone. And I'm not 100 percent sure if that applies equally to both men and women, but I've noticed one thing during my experiments with different supplementations and HCG to move my Testosterone levels from the lower end of normal to the higher end of normal or optimal because out of the box despite doing as much right as I possibly can, I can't get my testosterone levels, my total testosterone above 400 and it's the same for my brother, you know, so I don't know if there is a genetic component or something else, but nothing that I've tried without using supplementation.
Uh, or HCG, or something of that nature, moves the needle significantly. And, as part of my experimentation, I've noticed that when my testosterone levels are on the lower end of normal, again, still within the normal range, but definitely on the lower end of normal, my desire to push myself, to endure pain, to feel pain, to do challenging things, physically in particular, are diminished.
And I did some research and I discovered that even in the wild, you know, they've done studies on rams, male sheep, and during the mating season, also known as the rut, The RAMS testosterone levels increase significantly, so their desire to fight, to show aggression, and to endure pain, which, what they're likely going to endure during a fight, is significantly increased, because without those higher testosterone levels, they wouldn't be willing to get into those fights and fight for, you know, a female.
And obviously, you know, in human, you know, it's slightly different, just because you have, um, testosterone levels on the higher end of normal doesn't mean you become aggressive and you You know, your propensity to fight is increased, it certainly wasn't the case with me, but I've noticed my desire to push myself and the way I perceive pain.
So when I work out and I reach a certain limit, then with normal, normal low levels, I'm not It feels incredibly painful and I'm like, you know what? I don't really want to push myself that hard today. I just take it easier. You know, I stay within that threshold or under that threshold. When my levels are on the, in the upper end of, of normal, in the optimal level, on the optimal range, which is what I would say, then, I just, you know, crushed through it.
And I don't even feel the pain as painful as it would feel otherwise. And I just go through it, my desire to endure pain, and then knowing that the pain doesn't actually feel that painful, um, everything changes. And so it's significantly easier than to do difficult things, be it, you know, working on tough projects, uh, pushing through deadlines, exercising, you know, making changes to your diet, you know, all of the things that are difficult Um, and challenging are much easier, or at least they appear to be easier.
They are perceived to be easier, making them much more likely to be done. And so circling back to what I said initially, if you struggling with making hard decisions or with making, uh, changes that are, uh, inconvenient, that are uncomfortable, that are difficult and challenging, and you just don't feel like doing them, then it might be worthwhile getting a testosterone check, then see where it is.
I mean, if your doctor says it's normal, you know, look at the numbers and because the normal range is somewhere from 250 to 1100. It's a huge range and it makes a significant difference if you're on the lower end or if you're on the higher end. And I can tell you from personal, from hands on, from personal experience, firsthand experience.
And so Look at your levels, check them out, and in particular if you're male, again, I'm not entirely sure if that same concept applies to females. Um, but obviously hormones, you know, play a major role in, in females as well, and their ability to, to push and to do certain things. I mean, just looking at the, the menstrual cycle during, during pregnancy.
Certain phases of that cycle, you're more likely to push, uh, your ability to push and to endure is much better than during the lu luteal phase, for example. So I'm sure there are, there is a, uh, similar concept there, but especially, you know, if, if you're male and your desire to do hard things is low, get your levels checked.
And if need be, maybe, you know, choose some of the supplements. I'm in the process of reviewing some of, comparing them, uh, comparing them to HCG, which is a pharmaceutical that, you know. helps your testes or that encourages your testes to produce, to produce more of your own testosterone. Um, and I'm going to share my, my findings, um, soon on the blog as well as on the YouTube channel, maybe on this podcast.
And so, you know, check that out, but consider, you know, maybe do something to boost your levels a little bit, so to increase your desire to do hard things and it's much easier to make the dietary change, to go to bed early, to do all the things that you want to do to improve your health and well being.
And likely in the process you'll also increase your testosterone levels naturally a little bit or maybe a lot depending on your, you know, genetics, your circumstances and, and other factors. Um, and it's a win win, you know, so try that out and, uh, let me know how it works out for you.
Outro: In the next episode of the Primal Shift podcast, we'll be joined by special guest Bates.
A relationship coach who has walked the path of navigating modern relationships and personal transformation. Bates brings his experience and insights into how lifestyle changes, like diet and wellness, can create friction in relationships and how to manage those challenges. He'll share his expertise on setting boundaries, maintaining healthy connections, and staying true to your goals.
Whether it's in dating, marriage, or dealing with family dynamics, tune in for practical advice on balancing your health journey with the complexities of relationships.