Brad Kearns

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Author and athlete

Brad Kearns is a New York Times bestselling author, former two-time US national champion and #3 world-ranked professional triathlete, and currently elite masters track&field high jumper. His B.rad podcast is a top-10 ranked Apple Podcasts "Fitness" category show covering diet, fitness, peak performance, personal growth and longevity with Brad's carefree style and lively sense of humor.

March 26, 2025

86: The Truth About Running & Longevity | With Brad Kearns

As a former pro triathlete, Brad Kearns used to push himself to the extremes of human endurance. He competed globally, chasing medals and personal records, only to eventually confront a humbling truth: his intense cardio regimen wasn’t building him...
Guest: Brad Kearns
Jan. 3, 2024

26: Brad Kearns: The Cheat Code For Health and Fitness As You Age

As we age, it's important to rethink our approach to health and fitness. This doesn't mean you have to stop working out or start eating differently. It simply means that you have to listen to your body and adapt your routines and goals...
Guest: Brad Kearns